Tuesday, January 24, 2012

~The Joy of Submission~

·         “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.”  (Eph 5:22-24)
     God has designed the family with very clear lines of authority:  God – husband – wife – children.  God has designed each one of us to fulfill that role, however, we fight this design so often and we miss out on wonderful blessings that God has for us. But let’s look at how seriously God takes this:

·         “…the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things--that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.”  (Tit 2:3-5)
     Do you see how powerful this is?  God actually says that, if we wives do not follow God’s “blueprint” for our role as wives, then we are actually blaspheming His Word!  The word “blasphemed” here means to “vilify” or “defame.”  Wow!  Very convicting!  However over the years, as I have followed this command by God’s grace, I have found what an incredible blessing this is!  And, I wondered why it took me as long as it did for me to “catch on” to what an incredible blessing it is!  Truly, God has designed us for this.  Think about it, when your husband leads your family, whether it is in devotions, planning a trip or an outing, anything that benefits you or your children, isn’t there a part of you that just loves that?  We love the great part of being under his authority…WHEN it benefits us.  However, when we look at the part that “costs” us something, we bristle against it; at least I know I did (and sometimes still do).  But ladies, I can tell you that, as you practice this more and more and allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life in this area, you will see blessings upon blessings showered on you!

In the same way God designed us to submit and God designed our husbands to lead, He also designed our children to follow parents and particularly, Daddy.  I see how much our children respond to and respect me, when I am being a “help meet” to Todd.  They also respond to him spiritually as he leads our family in devotions each evening.   In every way, I see our children growing spiritually as a result of Todd’s leadership and my submission.  Once you experience this ladies, you won’t find yourself “fighting” this important command of Scripture.
            At this point in our lives, we are  guiding our teenagers in major life decisions and, for me, I find it so wonderful that I can just go to my husband and present a problem or a decision and fully trust that, whatever his decision is, that it’s as if it is coming directly from the “mouth” of God.  And, if he is wrong, God will correct him, not me.

·         “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.” (emphasis mine)(1Pe 3:1-2)
            Do you see here how God doesn’t need us in order to direct our husbands?  We can have full confidence of God leading them through His Spirit and not through us.  That’s not to say that God WON’T use us, and that’s not what that Scripture verse is saying either.  Todd and I discuss the issues, problems and direction of our family, together; however, if we both come to different conclusions, it is then that I am to submit to his decision. 

            I can be so emotional about so many of the decisions that need to be made.  I have found it to be so freeing and such a blessing to go to my husband and allow him to lead us.  I have found God to be faithful in giving my husband everything he needs to guide our family in the direction God has laid out for us.

            I have concluded that, women have believed the lie for way too long that, for us to submit to our husbands is in some way a curse to us, when the opposite is true.  By joyfully submitting to our husbands we will experience freedom and blessings!

·         "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”  (John 15:9-11)

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