Friday, March 11, 2011

~The Struggling Mother~

It was 1991 and I was a new mother.  We had moved into our house when I was 6 months pregnant so we hadn't really gotten to know very many people in our neighborhood.  We were attending a very large church where you could really be lost in the crowd so we weren't making connections.  I was feeling very lonely, so I started praying that God would bring me a friend.  Not just any friend, but a godly friend. Well, one year went by, two years went by, 3 years went by.  In those years I began to learn the ongoing lesson of trusting the Lord, especially when I was struggling. 

"My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God. Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah"  (Psa 62:5-8)

I thought I needed a true friend, RIGHT AWAY.  God said wait.  I placed my expectations on people around me, often times my own children.  God said to place my expectations on Him.  I wanted a friend who would listen to my deepest thoughts and dreams.  God said to pour out my heart before Him.

Those years of loneliness taught me lessons that have applied in so many other areas of my life.  As mothers, we are pouring ourselves out daily for our families.  We need Someone to refresh and restore our souls, "to be a refuge for us."  God is that Refuge, and so much more! 

Our "job" is simply to choose to trust and be content with the circumstances that God is allowing. During those 3 years, I drew closer and closer to the Lord.  By the time the Lord did send the friend I had been praying for, I really wasn't even looking for a friend anymore.  Don't get me wrong, it was wonderful to finally have a godly friend!  However, God had taught me so much about trusting Him and I had found Him faithful.  He had truly met my every need.

So, I want to encourage you mothers to take God at His Word and "Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him"; you WILL find Him faithful!!  :-)


Erin said...

When I had a similar prayer- God gave me you! Miss you neighbor!

The hardest answer to prayer has always been the "W" word...wait. "Yes" is usually very nice, and I can deal with "no" pretty well but "wait" is a whole different story. It brings up doubt, frustration, envy and all kinds of not so pretty things. But during the waiting process other prayers can be answered such as becoming more patient, content ,closer to God, gaining wisdom etc.

Great post again- keep 'em coming!

I Love Truth! said...

@Erin: Sniff, sniff...I miss you too!!

The lessons that are the hardest to learn, like waiting, bring the greatest rewards...a closer walk with Him!

You're a great mom!! :-)

Cindi W. said...

I am drawn to tears knowing oh so well those desires and the loneliness you rite about. And also knowing that God contunues to want to be that Friend I need. He has taught me that my desire for closeness is related to my need for intimacy. And without His vision we can never expect to be seen into, or to be able to see into others.
I feel like your words were just for me. His sweet reminer that where I go, MY BEST FRIEND goes with me, holding my hand, laughing and crying with me - seeing me.

Thank you! Love you!

I Love Truth! said...

@Cindi: You are about to embark on a new journey with our Lord! You will find Him faithful as you walk with Him to your new home in Indiana!!

Blessings to you and your family!
